所屬分類(lèi):CGHG-II 水泵自動(dòng)控制設備
- 點(diǎn)擊次數:
- 發(fā)布日期:2023/02/11
- 在線(xiàn)詢(xún)價(jià)
CGHG -Ⅱ全變頻智能供水系統是誠果集團自主研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)的具有多項自主知識產(chǎn)權的新型節電給水設備。設備采用高壓補償和差量補償技術(shù),比同類(lèi)產(chǎn)品節省用電達30%;設備配置了自來(lái)水保護裝置,可以根據市政自來(lái)水壓力,自動(dòng)調節閥門(mén)開(kāi)啟度,不會(huì )對市政自來(lái)水管網(wǎng)造成負壓影響。并聯(lián)結構的補償器,具有穩流補償和穩壓補償雙重功效,保證居民供水水壓穩定。設備包含智能全變頻專(zhuān)用控制柜、自來(lái)水保護裝置、高壓節電補償器、穩流緩沖裝置、真空抑制器、穩流調壓裝置、保壓蓄壓裝置、變頻泵組等主要部件組成。
CGHG - Ⅱ fully variable frequency intelligent water supply system is a new type of power-saving water supply equipment independently developed and produced by Chengguo Group with a number of independent intellectual property rights. The equipment adopts high voltage compensation and differential compensation technology, which saves up to 30% of electricity compared with similar products; The equipment is equipped with a tap water protection device, which can automatically adjust the valve opening according to the municipal tap water pressure, without causing negative pressure impact on the municipal tap water pipe network. The compensator with parallel structure has the dual effects of steady flow compensation and steady pressure compensation to ensure the stability of water supply pressure for residents. The equipment consists of intelligent full-frequency conversion special control cabinet, tap water protection device, high-voltage power-saving compensator, current-stabilizing buffer device, vacuum suppressor, current-stabilizing and pressure-regulating device, pressure-retaining and pressure-storage device, variable-frequency pump set and other main components.